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Family Dog Ownership and Levels of Physical Activity .......

發表於 : 2010-09-29, 08:31
Family Dog Ownership and Levels of Physical Activity in Childhood: Findings From the Child Heart and Health Study in England

http://ajph.aphapublications.org/cgi/co ... 100/9/1669


Dog ownership is associated with higher physical activity levels in adults; whether this association occurs in children is unknown. We used accelerometry to examine physical activity levels in 2065 children aged 9 to 10 years. Children from dog-owning families spent more time in light or moderate to vigorous physical activity and recorded higher levels of activity counts per minute (25; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 6, 44) and steps per day (357; 95% CI = 14, 701) than did children without dogs.


Re: Family Dog Ownership and Levels of Physical Activity .......

發表於 : 2010-09-29, 08:34
大薇拔 寫: Dog ownership is associated with higher physical activity levels in adults; whether this association occurs in children is unknown. We used accelerometry to examine physical activity levels in 2065 children aged 9 to 10 years. Children from dog-owning families spent more time in light or moderate to vigorous physical activity and recorded higher levels of activity counts per minute (25; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 6, 44) and steps per day (357; 95% CI = 14, 701) than did children without dogs.
在說什麼啊??? :?

現在許多人家中都有養狗,而根據英國倫敦大學聖喬治學院(St George’s University of London)一項最新的研究發現,家中有養狗的小孩與沒有養狗的小孩相比,顯得更加活潑好動,也降低了肥胖問題。



主導研究的流行病學高級講師克里斯多夫(Christopher Owen)表示,研究不能確定是養狗會使人變活潑,或是本來就活潑的家庭喜歡養狗,也許都有可能,如同「先有雞」還是「先有蛋」的問題。此研究內容刊登在《美國公共衛生雜誌》(American Journal of Public Health)。

出處 ~~ http://www.nownews.com/2010/09/29/334-2650142.htm


Re: Family Dog Ownership and Levels of Physical Activity .......

發表於 : 2010-09-29, 08:41
簡單說 ~ 就是 :

