When you take your furry friend home 帶您的幼貓回家時(一)

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版主: Faye大薇拔

文章: 15
註冊時間: 2009-05-29, 00:25

When you take your furry friend home 帶您的幼貓回家時(一)

文章 JoAnneWuYoung »

One thing you should do before you bring your kitten home is to ensure your household ready for the big event!

First few days;
Cats are, by nature, highly temitorial, which means they need a place to call their own; it is important to their emotional well-being. CAts love their homes, and you too, of couse! Your new cat/kitten is already in a state of stress from having been brought to a new home with new people in strange surroundings. Please be aware of some plants are also deadly poisonous, please click me for more infomations.



Your goal is to help make your furry fmaily member feel comfortable and safe as quickly as possible. We have found that confining the kitten to a small room (the bathroom is good) for the first few days is a great way to start. Make sure that food and litter and a warm soft bed are in the room. Be sure that you continue with the same fod and litter your new cat or kitten is used to as they are undergoing enough changes as it is. A hot water bottle under the blanket is soothing, and the old tale of rubbing a big of butter on the pads of the feet actually does help it settle in! Grooming gives a cat a sense of contentment. So licking the butter off helps the cat to feel more settled. Just as you wouldn't leave a toddler home alone to run around unsupervised, it doesn't make sense to leave kittens unsupervised either. You would be suprised at the places they ca find to hide that you ddin't know existed. Some shy cats and kittens may hide under a peice of furniture for as long as a week while others will be ready to come out and explore right away. Spend as much time as possible in the room with the kitten, speaking gently and soothingly, but don't try to force it out of hiding. The cat will let you know when it is ready to begin exploring more of the house.


您的目標是必須幫助您的寵物伴侶在短時間內感到舒適及有安全感。在JoAnne 中途的幾年經驗中,我們發現讓回到的前幾天,先侷限在小房間內(或浴廁間)是比較好的開始。但您必須在小房間裡備有食物,貓沙及柔暖舒適的床。開始時,您可以在家讓幼貓從小房間出來探索,好奇的小幼貓可能會因離開原本的房間而喵喵的叫,您可以利用逗貓棒或撫摸的方式來安撫小貓對陌生環境的不安感。當幼貓也對大環境不感到威脅時,您便可以將其用品移出來到大環境,有要注意的是,不要更換不用的貓沙或食物,即使一定要更換,也請以混搭的方式來慢慢更換。在換到大環境的同時,第一件事就是把幼貓抱進貓沙盆裡,讓幼貓可以自己定位出貓沙盆在位置。有一些很害羞的幼貓會躲在您意想不到的地方,此時,當您有機會摸到幼貓時,可以在您的手上塗一些奶油,可以吸引幼貓近距離的與您接觸,也可以讓較害羞的幼貓早一點習慣有您的味道。如果可以的話,多花一點互動玩要的時間,您可以利用丟鈴鐺球,逗貓棒及貓草玩具來拉近您與幼貓的距離感哦!但是千萬千萬不要用您的手去逗弄您的幼貓,以免被幼貓當成是他的同伴,也以他的方式來和您玩要,即便是被攻擊,也請您要制止幼貓的行為也要包容幼貓哦!





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